artery disease is a common heart disease that causes nearly one million
deaths each year. However this disease is reversible and avoidable by
following strict and healthy diet complimenting it with nutraceuticals.
Coronary artery disease results in the narrowing and hardening of the
arteries that provide blood to the heart. The reason behind this disease
is poor dietary habit, stress, environmental pollutants, and lack of

Due to these reasons, the normally flexible arteries begin to
develop tiny cracks within the artery lining and to prevent blood from
leaking through this cracks, a mixture of minerals and oxidized fats is
used by the body. The build-up of these materials is called as plaque.
Thus, in coronary heart disease the heart muscle does not get the
required blood and oxygen that it requires to function properly. This
disease can lead to several health problems, including angina and heart
One can fight with Coronary artery disease by following some health related tips:
• Prevent and Reverse Coronary Plaque – Eating a
healthy diet will help to a great extent to prevent and reverse coronary
plaque. In order to prevent plaque prevention one should eat seeds,
green and leafy raw vegetables, nuts, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
This will reduce the inflammation and high triglyceride levels that
mainly cause coronary artery disease.
• Exercise – Regular exercise is a great way to
fight with CAD as regular exercise makes heart stronger and reduce the
chance of heart diseases. Exercising also helps in reducing blood
pressure but it should always be performed with the doctor advise and
under their guidance.
• Avoid Smoking – To keep one heart healthy it is
important to avoid smoking as cigarettes have nicotine that cause the
body to release adrenaline that makes blood vessels constrict and make
the heart beat faster. This also helps to reduce blood pressure and
• Intake of Vitamin Supplement – According to
research and studies it has been found the intake of vitamin ‘E’ in many
cases lowers a person risk of having a heart attack. Others vitamins
can also help one to protect from coronary artery disease.
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